Courageous Creature Caller!

Kia ora, whanau!

Today we started our summer learning journey with michelle on blogs. For a kick start activity, we made our very own superheros! We had the choice of using google drawing, kleki or Craiyon. Craiyon is an online AI generator. You put your prompt in the search bar at the top, and it comes up with AI generated images related to your prompt! My superhero’s name was Creature caller. She can talk to any animal she wants!

Have you ever used an AI generator?
How did you find it?

Cruel Catfishing!

Kia Ora!

Today we learnt about pop-ups, catfishing and scams. We made an infographic poster showing what we learnt about a category of our choice. I chose catfishing. Catfishing is when someone steals someone elses identity to create a fake one.  Catfishers often use their profile to create relationships with other online users, usually to ask for money, credit cards or photos. Here is an example of my poster.

Have you ever been scammed?

Perfect Painting!

Kia ora!

Today with Michelle we were doing sumo paint. Sumo paint is an app where you can paint whatever you want using ai. You have a paint bucket to fill the background with a coulor of your choice. Our class all drew something to relate to our ag day. I drew a sheep, and I used the paint bucket tool to colour my sky blue. I drew some grass at the bottom and made a fluffy white sheep. I really enjoyed using sumo paint because it is fun to learn ways to draw and paint with ai.

Have you ever used sumo paint? What did you draw?

Here is an example of my sheep.

Real or Fake

Kia ora!

Today with Michelle, we were focusing on identifying fake images using Tineye to debug the image. Tineye is an app were you choose an image and upload it into the search bar. It will come up with results and if the image is fake, it will say stuff like “Photoshop” or “Edited” ect. As our ‘create’ task, we made a pick-a-path. Here is an example of mine.



Callaboration Appreciation!

Kia ora whanau!

Today with Michelle, we were learning about collaborative work on Google Docs. We got partenered up, and I went with a girl from my class named Marlee. First, she sent me a google doc from our site. On the doc we sucsessfully played tic tac toe, and managed to write a story, each writing one word at a time. We learnt how to be respectful on google docs.

I really enjoyed doing this task and hope to do something like it again.

Do you like doing collabarative tasks on docs and slides?

Nice Notan Art!


Today in toroa class, we learnt about copyright. So we decided to make our own art. We were introduced to Notan Art. Notan Art is the japanese art of positive and negative space. Did you know that the word ‘Notan’ means dark-light in japanese? I really enjoyed learning about the japanese art of positive and negative space.

Have you ever done notan art?

Here is my example.

Amazing Matariki Pictures!

Kia ora!

In toroa class at koputaroa school, we have been creating some matariki pictures using google drawings. We were mainly focussing on using the polyline tool. You can create shapes with lines using the polyline tool. We made a mountain range using lines. We flipped them, dupilicated them and coloured them. Then we added and arranged some stars to make them look like the 9 stars of matariki. Have you ever used the polyline tool?

Private and Personal Mindful Mountain!

Kia Ora! In kea class we have been learning about our digital footprints and mindful sharing. I played mindful mountain and took some screenshots of some helpful messages. I really enjoyed playing mindful mountain the turning it into a blog post. It was really helpful to me learning what to share and to whom.

Have you ever played mindful mountain?


Ag Day Art

For Ag Day, we created a Maui Slowed the Sun Art. We learnt about  using watercoulors and different Zentangle Patterns. It was important to take your time, but not be super slow. I thought it was fun when we were using the watercoulors to coulor our pictures. It was quite hard doing the flames so the were even. My next steps are going a little bit more firm with the coulors so they stand out more.

Do you have any feedback to help if I did it again?